We lead the industry through our own ingenius technologies & manufacturing process.
Ingenius Technology
Ingenius Technology
  • Fully automated manufacturing factory
  • IOT-based Control and Preventive Maintenance Service
  • Modularization for Easy Construction
  • Video Analysis for Zero defects
  • Artificial Intelligence system
  • Cloud system
  • Easier
  • Safer
  • Greener
  • 01
    Automated production process
  • 02
    High-Quality Shot Blast
  • 07
    Regenerative Power System
  • 05
    Automated Entry-Exit system (RFID / License Plate recognition)
  • 03
    Safe Slope Pallet(110-Degree Pallet)
  • 10
    Premium Interior Design
  • 09
    Smart Maintenance
  • 04
    Vehicle Fall Prevention System
  • 06
    Vibration & Noise Reduction Option
  • 11
    Automated inspection system
  • 08
    Vehicle Position Guide System